Product Info

When a strong frequent urge to 'go' is accompanied by burning and painful urination, you're probably suffering from UTI, an infection caused by E.coli bacteria that, if left untreated, causes symptoms such as back pain, chills, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Conventional antibiotic treatments may clear up the infection, but they also kill the good bacteria in your body, which can be detrimental to your health over the long term. Now available in South Africa, DMannose is a pleasant tasting soluble powder that works quickly and prophelactically to stop UTI in its tracks by flushing the E.coli bacteria from your system. thus ensuring that the infection won't recur.

DMannose has been used in Europe, America and the rest of the world for years and years. It’s simple to use and provides relief within hours. Best of all is that DMannose is 100% natural and can even be used by pregnant women and children.

DMannose is a natural product that provides safe, fast and effective relief from the painful and often recurring symptoms of Bladder and Urinary Tract Infections.Derived from corn, white and sweet potatoes, beech or birch wood, DMannose is a six-carbon sugar that occurs naturally in many plants, fungi, and fruit, including cranberry, which are known for their infection fighting properties.


Available DMannose products:

There are different DMannose products available for your specific requirements:


dmannose sachetsConvenience Pack (10 x 2g DMannose sachets)

You never know when the debilitating effects of a bladder infection might flare up. Always be prepared with the easy-to-use sachets on hand. Each sachet contains a single serving that can easily be dissolved in a glass of water or a cup of tea.





dmannose powderValue Pack (60g Jar DMannose powder)

Do you suffer from chronic bladder infections? The value pack will provide with 30 servings of DMannose to use routinely to avoid reoccurrence of bladder infection completely, so you can carry on with your life. Based on a single daily dosage the Value Pack will last for a month.




Who can take DMannose?

  • DMannose can be safely used at all times by children, pregnant women and diabetics**.
  • See Dosage and directions for use.
  • ** Because DMannose is a simple sugar it is processed very quickly in the digestive system. Consequently, the pancreas does not detect it as a sugar that requires insulin in order to be absorbed into the blood stream. It should not affect blood sugar levels, but it is advisable to continue monitoring glucose levels in the blood, just to be safe.

Nutritional Information

   Amount per serving % Daily value
   Calories  8  ( ? )
   Total carbohydrate  2g  < 1%
   Sugars  2g ( ? ) 
 D-Mannose 2.0 g (2,000 mg) ( ? ) 


  • % daily values are based on 2,000 calorie diet.
  • ( ? ) Daily Value not established.
  • Store in a cool, dry place and do not allow the product to become moist.


Dosage and Directions for Use

The recommended dosage for an on-going infection is one teaspoon (1/2 for children) of DMannose dissolved in water or juice every two to three hours, continued for three days. The curative effects of DMannose are usually felt within 24 hours, but if no change is experienced within 72 hours, it’s advisable to consult a doctor, as the infection may be caused by bacteria other than E.Coli.

DMannose may also be used as preventative measure by those suffering from recurring infections. The maintenance dose varies per person, but a good starting point is one teaspoon a day mixed with liquid.

Women suffering from honeymoon cystitis (bladder infections linked to sexual intercourse) may take one teaspoon of DMannose an hour before intercourse, and another immediately after to help prevent infection.

Do not take DMannose with any drink that contains sugar, as this may aggravate the symptoms.


DMannose is not a medicine and does not cure any disease. Always consult a health care practitioner if you don’t obtain relief of symptoms and do not stop using prescribed medication.


•    Convenience Pack (10 x 2g DMannose sachets)     R125

•    Value Pack (60g Jar DMannose powder)                  R280

