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bladder infection pregnancyDuring pregnancy, there are normal changes in the urinary tract that contribute to an increased susceptibility to bladder infections. These changes include:
   - The anatomical changes. The growing uterus causes:
      * Kidney enlargement and
      * Compression of the ureters and bladder, and

   - The functional changes:
      * The bladder does not empty completely
      * The urine is not as acidic and it contains more sugars, protein and hormones

It's not clear that pregnancy increases your risk of bladder infection (cystitis), however, pregnancy greatly increases the risk of getting a kidney infection.
Here's why: Higher levels of the hormone progesterone decrease the muscle tone of the ureters (the tubes between the kidneys and the bladder), causing them to dilate and slowing the flow of urine. Plus, as your uterus enlarges it may compress the ureters, making it that much more difficult for urine to flow through them as quickly and as freely as usual.
Your bladder also loses tone during pregnancy. It becomes more difficult to completely empty your bladder, and your bladder becomes more prone to reflux, a condition where some urine flows back up the ureters toward the kidneys.
The downside of these changes is that it takes longer for urine to pass through your urinary tract, giving bacteria more time to multiply and take hold before being flushed out, and it also becomes easier for the bacteria to travel up to your kidneys. What's more, during pregnancy your urine becomes less acidic and more likely to contain glucose, both of which boost the potential for bacterial growth.
Besides childhood development delays, bladder infection during the third trimester of pregnancy can cause:
   - Low birth weight
   - Premature labour
   - Kidney infection (nephritis)


What are the symptoms of a bladder infection during pregnancy?

Symptoms of a bladder infection (cystitis) vary from woman to woman. Common symptoms include:
   - Pain, discomfort, or burning when urinating and possibly during sexual intercourse
   - Pelvic discomfort or lower abdominal pain (often just above the pubic bone)
   - A frequent or uncontrollable urge to pee, even when there's very little urine in the bladder
You may also find that your urine is foul smelling or looks cloudy. You may see blood in it as well. You might run a low-grade fever, but more often than not, your temperature will remain normal.
Since the frequent urge to pee is common during pregnancy, it may be hard to know for sure whether you have cystitis, especially if your symptoms are mild. If you think you might have an infection, be sure to call your healthcare provider so your urine can be tested. Never leave a bladder infection untreated because the bacteria, usually E.Coli, will travel to the kidneys and be much more difficult to treat.
